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Welcome to Council Rock! 

We live in what is being called the "Age of Information," and it is incumbent on Council Rock to ensure that accurate information is shared promptly and with an awareness of competing information sources.

To that end, all aspects of Council Rock's public engagement are designed to be transparent and accessible. This commitment to transparency and accessibility means we do our best to provide the community with easily accessible, prompt, and relevant information, fostering trust and confidence in our operations.  

We take pride in our commitment to providing our students, staff, and community with accurate, clear, consistent, and concise information

Understanding that social media can be an unreliable resource, we ask that you contact Council Rock directly for the most reliable and accurate information. We urge you not to rely on social media posts that are "unofficial," opinion-based, or from private or personal individual/group accounts. These accounts often provide inaccurate, false, or misleading information.  

If you question what you are seeing, reading, or hearing, please contact the District.  We are happy to connect you to the appropriate resource so that you stay informed and aware.  

Please contact me directly with any questions regarding our district communications.

Andrea Mangold
Director of District Communications

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Council Rock publishes the Rock Report as a courtesy to our community.  The Rock Report contains information on important upcoming events, shares stories about our students and schools, and provides the community a chance to share community events.

The Rock Report is published on Mondays during the school year, with the exception of school closures due to holiday, calendar closures, or other unforeseen events.

Use the tabs below to subscribe to the Rock Report, or to email a submission.  Please read the submission requirements before submitting your event or flyer.