Title IX Policies
By clicking on a link below, you will be forwarded to the BoardDocs website and the referenced current policy. Policies are reviewed and revised as needed by our Policy Committee.
Policy 103: Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices
Policy 103 Vol IV 2020: Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students
Policy 103.1: Nondiscrimination - Qualified Students With Disabilities
Policy 104: Nondiscrimination in Employment and Contract Practices
Policy 104 Vol IV 2021: Discrimination/Title IX Sexual Harassment Affecting Students
Policy 247: Hazing
Policy 248: Unlawful Harassment
Policy 249: Bullying/Cyberbullying
Policy 317.1: Educator Misconduct
Policy 348: Unlawful Harassment
Policy 824: Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries