Home Access Center (HAC) Information
HAC Status: OPEN
HAC will re-open on Monday, August 19th at 9 AM.
Council Rock School District requires parents/guardians to verify their demographic information through the Home Access Center (HAC).
Even if you recently enrolled or you believe no changes are necessary, we ask that one parent/guardian complete a demographic form for each enrolled child.
It is important to know that District/School Notifications, Emergency Contacts, Medication Authorization information (required by Pennsylvania), etc. are directly dependent upon your completion of this process.
Instructions to update your child’s demographic form:
See login to HAC portal below.
- Click on Update Registration tab and look for the word NEW in the middle of the screen.
- Click on that to open the Demographic Update Form 2024.
- You can review information on the form by expanding the + sign in each area.
- Check "I Agree" box at bottom of form when done.
- Click Submit button.
Should you encounter any issues please email HACsupport@crsd.org with a detailed explanation (Student ID, Name and issue).
Student HAC Account Access
- Forget your password? Contact your school's front office staff, librarian or counselor to have it reset.
- Available 1st day of school
- Issued only to students in grades 7-12
- Use your student id for your login.
HAC Mobile App (User Guide)
- Attention Family App Users:
The image below is what you should see on your mobile device. There is an imposter app called MYHAC that is not supported by Powerschool LLC.
CANVAS issues...please contact the school that your student attends for help with Canvas.