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30 North Chancellor Street
Newtown, PA 18940

Directions To The Chancellor Center
Email:   Phone: 215-944-1091 

We are now accepting 2025-2026 applications. We are also happy to announce that Kindergarten will be full day.

Registration Open 25-26


Online Registration: The Council Rock School District utilizes a secure online portal for a parent(s) to enroll their child(ren). Please ensure you have all required documents ready before starting the enrollment process below. The application functions best in the Chrome browser on a desktop or laptop.  You do not have to register your child if there are already attending a school in the school district.

Your child is NOT registered until all documents have been received, reviewed by central registration, and the final registration document has been signed by the parent. June 1st is the deadline to guarantee placement in your child's home school. * Due to spacing issues at Wrightstown Elementary, we are unable to guarantee placement in this school. Please contact Central Registration with any questions - or 215-944-1091.

Required documents for registration (must be uploaded in online registration):

    Please provide contact information for any parent/ guardian that does not reside in the same household as the student unless a custody order is in place.  We will need the parent’s name, photo ID, phone number, and email address.
  • PROOF OF CHILD'S BIRTH DATE:  Acceptable documentation of age requirement for admission:
    • Original Birth Certificate
    • Original Baptismal Certificate
    • Valid Passport
  • FOUR (4) PROOFS OF RESIDENCY: Examples are listed below: (Please upload when enrolling online) 
    • 1.    Lease (must be signed), Deed or Mortgage Statement -– mandatory

      2.    Active Utility Bill (current) -– mandatory

      3.    Driver’s License (at address of residency) - mandatory

      4.    One of the following: Vehicle Registration Card, Bank Statement, Insurance Statement, Property Tax Bill, Credit               Card Statement

  • Additional Registration Packet  Please use the link to a PDF for you to enter the information (includes Parental Registration Statement, Home Language Survey, Census Enumeration, and Keystone Collections Group/Earned Income Tax Form). These forms are also in the additional information section.
  • PROOF OF CURRENT IMMUNIZATIONS:  PA law requires that proof of immunization must be provided before a child can be admitted to any public, private, or parochial school.  Private physical and dental exams may be completed any time after September 1st of the prior calendar year.  Each child entering school for the first time must have a written record signed by the physician.
  •  Multiple Occupancy Form: REQUIRED IF parent/guardian DOES NOT own or lease property in Council Rock SD but resides with a Council Rock SD resident on a full-time basis. Property owner and multiple occupants (parent/guardian) must each provide four (4) current proofs of address and a photo ID.

Instructions for Uploading Documents:

  • Only .pdfs will be accepted as a file format
  • Keep each file under 3 MB. If the document is too large, an error will be shown. If this happens, it is best to individually scan each page to keep the file under 3 MB.
  • Name each file to state what is in the document (e.g. ‘Immunizations’, ‘Birth Certificate’, etc.)
  • Unreadable documents will need to be resubmitted
  • If you have issues uploading documents, you can email them to


Register Your Child Here