Technology & Engineering
Technology & Engineering Curriculum Coordinator Contact Information
Name: Kevin Mallalieu
Primary Location of Coordinator: Holland Middle School
Technology & Engineering Education is the means by which we teach students the Technology and Engineering components of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education which is found in the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science and Technology. Understanding technology and its usefulness is essential for success in our rapidly changing world. Teamwork and problem solving are stressed as students pursue meaningful, real-world tasks that build a strong foundation for the practical application of technology. Technology & Engineering includes the study and use of computer technology, tools, machines, materials, as well as the application of mathematical and scientific principles.
Middle-Level, 7-8
The middle-level program offers exploratory courses in seventh and eighth grade. This program exposes students to four areas of technology: communications, manufacturing, construction, and transportation. Learning activities may include, product design and production, audiovisual production, structural engineering, vehicle aerodynamic/hydrodynamic design, principles of flight, and water transportation.
High School, 9-12
Council Rock High School's Technology & Engineering Education Department offers a wide array of STEM-related elective options at all grade levels. These allow students to balance and enhance their academic schedules, solve real-world problems, pursue creative projects, and address needs and interests for general education, career enlightenment, and college preparation.
Technology & Engineering Special Programs and Related Events
Tech Ed/STEM Club - Middle schools during RA/after school clinic
Tech Club - High Schools after school
Graphic Arts Club - CRHS North after school
NASA Club - Yearly competitive NASA issued challenges, CRHS South after school
Content Area Standards
ITEEA Standards For Technological Literacy
Priority Standards
Technology & Engineering Education Department Priority Standards By Course
Technology & Engineering Textbooks By Course
Technology & Engineering Textbook List By Course 2021-2022
Middle Level and High School Course Content Guides