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Mathematics Curriculum Overview

Council Rock School District’s Mathematics Program is rooted in the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Mathematics. Students will study mathematics through complex problem solving in the areas of numbers and operations, algebraic concepts, geometry, and measurement, data, and probability. The learning of these foundational concepts will be through the Standards of Mathematical Practice: by making sense of problems, reasoning and explaining, modeling and using tools, and recognizing and extending patterns with concrete materials and numbers. Through engaging in these practices, students will build confidence in themselves as productive mathematical thinkers.

Mathematics K-6:  

In the initial years of elementary school, children work with numbers and quantities using concrete materials and explore with and describe shapes. They represent quantities, compare amounts, and classify objects. Students model putting quantities together and taking them apart, which develops an understanding of addition and subtraction. Measuring skills will also be explored. By the end of second grade, students use place value to understand number relationships, can quickly recall facts and use them to solve problems, and apply models for addition and subtraction as well as building arrays as a foundation for multiplication. Students measure using standard units, work with beginning ideas of time and money, describe shapes by examining their sides and angles, and partition shapes into equal-sized pieces.

In grades 3-5, students develop an understanding of and fluency with all four operations and extend their knowledge to 2-digit divisors and decimals to the hundredths. An understanding of fractions ranges from unit fractions to fraction equivalency, culminating with developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions, as well as an understanding of multiplication and division of fractions. Geometry involves analyzing, comparing, and classifying geometric figures by their attributes, including sides and angles. The concept of geometric measurement develops as students move from an understanding of the structure of rectangular arrays, area, and perimeter to the conceptual understanding of volume. In addition, students explore the concepts of measurement, including conversion of units, elapsed time, money, data, and patterns, metric and standard units.

In sixth grade students will build on their understanding of whole number multiplication and division connecting ratio and rate to solve problems. An understanding of the meaning of fractions will used to introduce the full system of rational numbers. A formal introduction to variables in mathematical expressions will be taught to allow students to write expressions and equations that correspond to given situations. 

Mathematics 7-8: 

Middle school students will build on their understanding of whole number multiplication and division connecting ratio and rate to solve problems. They will develop an understanding of and apply proportional relationships. Students will relate this understanding of ratios and proportions to extend the notion of numbers to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers, and irrational numbers. Students will formulate and reason about expressions and equations by modeling data with linear equations and systems of linear equations. This will progress to a concept of functions and develop an understanding of functions to describe quantitative relationships. They will work with two- and three- dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Students will develop an understanding of statistical thinking and draw inferences about populations based on samples.  Some students will begin their formal education in algebra with a study of the structure in expressions and equations and reasoning with equations and inequalities.

Mathematics 9-12: 

Numerical skill and quantitative reasoning remain crucial even as students move forward with algebra. Algebra, Functions, and Geometry are important not only as mathematical subjects in themselves but also because they are the language of technical subjects and the sciences. In a data-rich world, statistics and probability offer powerful ways of drawing conclusions from data and dealing with uncertainty. The high school standards are organized into six major content areas: Number and Quantity; Algebra; Functions; Modeling; Geometry; and Statistics and Probability. These standards emphasize making connections, representations, and interpretations. Modeling is used to analyze real-world situations and links classroom mathematics and statistics to everyday life, work, and decision-making. Technology is valuable for varying assumptions, exploring consequences, and comparing predictions with data. Upon graduation, students will have developed a depth of understanding and ability to apply mathematics to novel situations such as: quantities and their relationships in physical, economic, public policy. Social and everyday situations can be modeled using mathematical and statistical methods.

Students must take at least three years of mathematics.  We offer electives in Trigonometry, Computer Science, Statistics, and Calculus.  Many will have the opportunity to choose from our five AP courses: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, Computer Science, and Computer Science Principles.

Mathematics Special Programs and Related Events

24 Math Tournament (grades 4-7)

  • Competition held in Bucks County for students in grades 4-7.  This competitive program allows students to demonstrate their quick recall on the game of 24.

Mathematics Olympiad for Elementary and Middle Schools (grades 3-6)

Pennsylvania Mathematics League Contest (grade 6)

Math Counts Contest

Mathletes Team (grades 9-12)

  • Mathletes is a competitive, inter-school team that is part of the Bucks County Mathematics League.  Council Rock Mathletes participate in competitive meets against other Bucks County Schools.  Being a member of Mathletes is an excellent experience for students who excel in mathematics and problem-solving. 

Atlantic Pacific Contest (grades 10-12)

OWLypiad Contest (grades 11-12)

11th Annual District STEAM/Science Night - (K-6, May 30, 2019)

  • Elementary students and their families are invited to a spectacular night of interactive STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Students will experience a variety of sessions including:  Phenomenal Physics, Crystal Towers, E3, Slime City, K’Nex/Lego Challenge, Action Anatomy and Blood Typing, Liquid Nitrogen, Rock Rovers and Star Lab Sky Tour and much more.

Mathematics Content Area Standards

Academic Standards for Mathematics

Priority Standards

Priority Standards for Mathematics

Mathematics Textbook Series by Grade and Course

Math Textbook List

 Middle Level and High School Course Content Guides 

Middle School Program Planning Guide

High School Program Planning Guide