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World Language


World Language Curriculum Coordinator Contact Information

Name: Lynn Young


Phone: 215-944-1396

Primary Location of Coordinator: Council Rock North High School  

There is a growing awareness in our global environment of the advantages of being able to function proficiently in a world language.  The rate at which second-language proficiency is being viewed as a social and occupational survival skill is increasing rapidly:  it is already valued highly by those addressing our nation’s political, economic, and social agendas. 

The study of modern and classical world languages is oriented to helping students use language for meaningful purposes to function effectively in both oral and written forms, while maintaining a degree of accuracy necessary for clear communication of ideas.  Although the goals of the program include attaining a measurable degree of competency in the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, the first priority is communication of ideas. 

The natural articulation for 2015-16 in the Honors series is:  Level One, Honors Level Two, Honors Level Three, Honors Level Four, AP French, German or Spanish.  The non-Honors series for the same languages continues from Level One, Level Two, Level Three, and concludes with Level IV.  The articulation of our Latin program is: Level One, Level Two Honors, Level Three Honors and concludes with Level 4 Honors.  Most students have the option to begin to study German, Spanish and French in 8th grade and Latin in 9th grade. It is possible that a student might move from the Honors series to the non-Honors series, or visa versa, depending on specific criteria defined by the World Language department.

The recommendation that a student pursue the study of one language through four years is strongly supported by the World Language staff.  Admissions boards of most colleges and universities support an ongoing sequence of language study.  It is important to note that each of the four languages offered in the Council Rock schools is equally challenging, academically.

For many more reasons why second language study is vital, please click on the following link:

Council Rock World Language Standards

World Language Special Programs and Related Events

Bucks County World Language Tournament - For grades 8-12

Our students participate in a yearly tournament with other World Language students from Bucks County to show our language skills and to meet students with similar interests in language study.  TBD for 2020-2021

Content Area Standards

ACTFL World Readiness Standards

District Priority Standards

The World Language District Priority Standard is ACTFL Standard 1.1: Communication

Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions and exchange opinions.

World Language Textbook List 2021-22

World Language Course Content Guides 

Articulation of Courses in World Language if Student begins study in 8th grade

Articulation of Courses in World Language if Student starts study in 9th grade

 Middle Level and High School Course Content Guides 

Middle School Program Planning Guide

High School Program Planning Guide