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Health Services





Immunization Regulations:  

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has revised the immunization requirements for students effective the 2017 - 2018 school year. This revision replaces the 8-month provisional period for immunizations with the new requirement of a 5-day provisional period. 

Prior to August 2017, a parent had 8 months to complete all required immunizations. This is called provisional enrollment. 

As of August 2017, a parent must have all immunizations completed within the first 5 days of school. 

If the student is in the middle of a series and it is too soon for the next dose, the parents must provide the school nurse with a plan for immunizations (signed by a health care provider) within the first 5 days. If the student has incomplete immunizations and no medical plan, the student will be excluded from school. 

These requirements allow for the following exemptions: medical reasons; religious beliefs; or philosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction. If your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be removed from school during an outbreak. 

You may check your child’s school immunization record by consulting with your child’s physician.  

Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this matter. 

Health forms for all students at the time of registration: 

Documentation of Immunizations: 

Medications/Medical Procedures in School: Forms must be completed by healthcare provider and signed by parent 

  • Medications that may be administered by school nurses under our school physician standing orders include:
  • Acetaminophen with parental permission in HAC
  • Ibuprofen with parental permission in HAC
  • Antacid tablets
  • Cough lozenges
  • Topical medications such as hydrocortisone cream, diphenhydramine cream, antiseptic cream, eye irrigation solution, and contact lens solution

Forms & Plans


Required Annual School Health Exams: 

  • Pennsylvania mandates the following health examination(s) as indicated: 
  • Physical exam: Upon original school entry/registration, grades 6 and 11  
  • Dental exam: Upon original school entry/registration, grades 3 and 7  
  • Vision:  All grades K-12 
  • Height, Weight & BMI:  All grades K-12 
  • Hearing:  Grades 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11  
  • Scoliosis:  Grades 6 and 7  

Parents are urged to have physical and dental examinations completed by their family physician or dentist and submitted prior to October 15th of the year that they are due. Exams may be completed any time after September 1st of the prior calendar year.  Students will be scheduled for physical/dental exams by school district physician/dentist if record of exam by private healthcare provider is not received. 

Sports physicals are not part of mandated school health services but are governed by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) rules which require student athletes to receive a medical examination prior to participation in a sport, including tryouts and practice sessions. Complete information about sports physicals is supplied to students prior to participation. Any further questions should be directed to the school principal or athletic director. 

Head Lice Protocol 

CDC Website: Head Lice Information for Parents: 

Keystone HMO Children’s Health Plan Insurance: (CHIP) The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a state- and federally-funded health insurance program that provides health insurance coverage to all children who meet eligibility guidelines and are residents of Pennsylvania. 

No family makes too much for a child to enroll in a Keystone HMO CHIP product! Family size and household income will determine if a child is eligible for free, low-cost, or full-cost Keystone HMO CHIP insurance.