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Inclement Weather and Information for Private and Out-of-District Placements

Inclement Weather and Private and Out-of-District Placements

If Council Rock School District is closed or has a delayed opening or early dismissal due to inclement weather, the information is disseminated via commercial radio, TV, the CRSD Web Page (, CRSD television channel 28.  In addition, if you have a student attending a Council Rock school building, you will receive an automated telephone call.  

If the private or out-of-district school has closures, delays, or early dismissals, this information will be conveyed to you by the school or service provider.

Since all Council Rock buses make daily morning and afternoon runs to 2, 3 or even 4 different schools, all with varying schedules, it is impossible for them to alter their schedules due to inclement weather. Therefore the following rules apply to bus service supplied by Council Rock.

  • If Council Rock School District is closed – No transportation will be provided to any school, public private or parochial, even if that school is open.
  • If Council Rock School District opens 1 or 2 hours lateAll bus transportation will be 1 or 2 hours late even if the school your child attends is running on a normal schedule. If a student needs to be at school at the regular normal time, families will need to provide that transportation.
  • If Council Rock School District is operating on a normal scheduleAll buses will run on a normal schedule regardless of whether the school your child attends is opening late.  If your student attends a private or other out-of-district school and that school is opening late, Council Rock is notified by the other school and will provide a bus after they have finished their regularly scheduled runs.
  • Afternoon transportation will be normal on days that Council Rock School District opens late.
  • In the event Council Rock School District closes early because of deteriorating weather conditions, parents of students attending Council Rock school buildings will be notified by an automated telephone system.  If you are the parent of a private or other out-of-district student, the school your child attends will be notified, and they are required to notify you.   Council Rock busses will arrive at the private or other out-of-district school as soon as they are safely able to.