CRSD Transportation FAQ
Q: My student left one of their belongings on the bus. How do I recover the item?
A: Call Durham Dispatch at 267-523-2701 and select Option 1. Give the dispatcher the bus number, school, and description of the item. The dispatcher will work with you and the driver to get the item back to you or your student.
Q: Is there a bus tracking app available so I can see my student's location?
A: Yes! For the 23-24 School Year, we will be using Durham's bus tracking app, BusZone. The app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. More information can be found in this flyer.
Q: I would like to drive a bus for Council Rock, where can I apply?
A: Follow this link and complete an application: https://careers.nellc.com/jobs/?location=Newtown
Q: What is the best way to contact the Transportation Department?
A: Outside of urgent matters where a phone call is warranted, emailing Transportation@crsd.org is the best method of contact.
Q: My child is on the bus too long, what is the max time they can ride the bus?
A: The state of Pennsylvania does not have a maximum time limit. Council Rock has a School Board policy of 55 minutes in district and no time limit for out of district although we do try to keep rides as short as possible.
Q: I cannot see the bus stop from my house; can you move the stop closer?
A: Visibility of the stop from the house or driveway is not a factor when choosing bus stop locations.
Q: How far away can a bus stop be from my house?
A: Bus stops can be up to one half mile from your home by CR School Board Policy. There is no PA State maximum distance. We try to use centralized bus stops to keep walking distance below the max of one half (.5) mile. The average student walks about one third (.3) mile to reach their stop.
Q: There is no sidewalk and/or streetlight at my child’s bus stop. Could we move the stop to a different location?
A: Council Rock encompasses a large area with many housing developments, most of which do not have sidewalks or streetlights. It would be impossible to route buses based on the existence of sidewalks and/or streetlights. Stop locations will not be moved due to lack of sidewalks or street lighting.
Q: There is an intersection closer to my house than the bus stop. Can my child get off there?
A: Students are only permitted to board and exit the bus at their assigned stop location. This is for safety purposes. If you would like to request a new bus stop, please fill out the Transportation Change Request Form.
Q: What are the primary criteria for determining a stops safety?
A: Primary factors concerning safety are volume of traffic, sufficient visibility for both pedestrians and drivers, and posted speed limit.
Q: At what age can my child walk home from the bus stop without an adult to receive them?
A: Only kindergarten and first grade students need to be received by an adult. Additionally, kindergarten and first grade children can walk home with older siblings.
Q: What is the maximum rider count for a CR School Buses?
A: High School and Middle School students have a different rider maximum than Elementary Schoolers. Our large buses can safely transport up to 52 secondary age kids and up to 77 elementary school kids. The difference in rider count is because PennDOT allows K-6 kids tp sit three per seat.
See below for the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Council Rock School Board Policies regarding Transportation.
- CRSD Transportation Board Policy - Click on this link to reach the CR Board Docs site, then click on the tab at the top, right for "Policies" and look for Policy 810.