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CRSD Parents/Guardians must notify the school district via email or written communication when their child misses school. Notification must clearly indicate the date(s) and reason of absence. The school district must receive student absence communication within three school days of a student's return to school.  

Parents/ Guardians will receive both an automated phone call and an email regarding student absences.  In the event that your child is absent from school for three or more consecutive days and you have not notified the school as to the reason for the absence, a school nurse will automatically call your home.

There are three (3) ways CRSD parents/guardians can report a student’s absence

1. Online (Preferred Method)

Respond directly to the absentee email that you will receive on the day of the absence.

2. Printable Absent Forms

Report an absence by using our Printable Absence Form. Print it, fill it in, and send it into school, with your child, addressed to the homeroom teacher. The teacher will then forward the note to the main office.


3. Handwritten Note

Handwrite or type a note and send it into school with your child. Upon receipt, the homeroom teacher will then forward the note to the main office. Please include your child’s first and last name, the date(s) of the absence, and the reason for the absence.